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WOFF converter tool

March 28, 2012. Posted by Eugene Ivakhiv

In era of web technologies everything seems to move to web or at least transform into web-friendly counterpart.

Fonts are no exception from this trend. Fonts as we know them in TTF or OTF formats live in web ecosystem in WOFF format, and this particular format ensures compression which is essential in distributed environments and adds additional metadata to original font definitions.

WOFF fonts are not installed on your system and are held exclusively in browser application memory. However it does not mean that such fonts cannot be transformed into original TTF/OTF form.

Attached tool allows conversion from WOFF to TTF/OTF.

Feature highlights:

  • Font file body is analyzed whether it has correct FullFontName entry which guarantees that this font is unique in scope of OS in which font is installed. There are cases when font files have FullFontName equal to FontFamily and do not include SubFamily. In such cases there could be conflicts during installation of such fonts to Windows OS for example. Such fonts are automatically fixed during WOFF translation.
  • Bulk processing of WOFF Base64 strings in which WOFF are transferred to browser applications. This allows to convert WOFF files in bulks which is quite handy when you have a lot of WOFF fonts in plain text and do not wont to manually iterate through each font.


Usage is quite straightforward. Application operates in two modes: WOFF conversion and explicit TTF/OTF FullFontName fixing.

WOFF bulk file has to have Base64 strings separated by new-line symbol. WOFF strings can be intercepted and inspected by tools like Google Chrome Network inspector or Fiddler. Please refer to SampleWoffInput.txt file included into attachment demonstating possible bulk input file.

Sample command line assuming you have NewFonts folder as container for converted fonts:

c:\>ArtfulBitsCZ.FontTool.exe ParseWoff SampleWoffInput.txt NewFonts

If you want to fix existing TTF/OTF file FullFontName entry use similar command line:

c:\>ArtfulBitsCZ.FontTool.exe FixName MyFont.ttf FixedFonts

This will put fixed font into FixedFonts directory.

Disclaimer: The author is not and will not hold any responsibility for any illegal use of the utility and information contained within this post, or that is implied from it.


Download: ArtfulBitsCZ.FontTool.120219-001.7z (168.91 kb)

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Comments (3) -

8/12/2012 6:27:29 AM #
I am probing this post and thinking of it’s theme and trying to grasp what's this post about.
8/13/2012 4:15:51 PM #
Post is about translating web page embedded WOFF resources into TTF/OTF files.
10/21/2012 11:55:34 PM #

Your current positions always have a lot of really up to date info. Where do you come up with this? Just saying you are very inspiring. Thanks again
